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WHS update

6 min read

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Brook Ward, President and CEO of Washington Health System, updates about what’s going on. Events that took place – hope we have no additional events we’ve all had a frough few year, last 10 months ahve been workse, i’ve been stressed ried worieird an dbutned out because of covid 19 pandemice, we’ve tbeen asekd with vaccinating washington and greene with limited and no resource.

I’m making a person al choice to reenergicze, reengage and remain posistive, i’m going to rproviede th test leaderhisp i can to the WHS, and talke leadership role in vaccinating peopel as fast as positive. 

Congratualtions to physcians to staff, WHS Care center for famiy birth, Healthgrades 2020 labor and delivery top 10% of hosptials across the nation, we completed multilmilion ollar renovation of hte labor and delivery unit, care center for family birht and wiomen’s health, Excited about renovation, 

We in pa are just comign out of some of the most recent covid restircitions, we need to remain diliegnet, SD hand hdygine, wearing a mastk, as of mondya, we’ve anhd 206. million americans infcetd, 1.5 million in the past week.

Tehre was a recnrd number of peopel in pa with mroe than 5,500 peopel, 1,500 peopel in ICUS, we’ cant let

In patient at Washignotn, half of where wee rewere in nove., we’re the anomaly, other hsptials are beign overrun, i cannot underdstya why they’re seeing higher cases, well take the repirieve. 

treatment: USFDA gave emergeny use ahtorizeiztion consdiered mononcolaonl antibodies therapy, must be administered within 7-10 days of onset of illness. It’s a great advancmeent in care, we started doing this in Dec. 21, 20 patients so far, we’ve had great outcome. I’ve go

Variants – the oune out of tGreat Britain, it appears to be mroe contaigious and srpead more ealsiy, but doesn’t apprea to create more severe illness or inrease reisk of death. good news is the Commercially available covid vacines appear to work in preventing the spread of that, that’s the good news.

We recieved our first deliery in late dec., in last 8 days of month we vaccinated 1,600 people, as of fridaywe will have  use d up all 2,300vaccines we receivevd, all of those going to  helathcare worekrs, those who work for us and those who don’t.

we’re Getting another deviery next week meant for them to get their second vaccine, but dont know if we’ll get enough vaccine to do additional people and have them get their first dose, we hope that’s truebut we don’t know wheter or not that’s going to happen at this point..

Are we on track to get the community to herd immunity. I don’t know the answer to that because I’m not sure what on track means. If our target is to get enough peopel vaccinated by  june the answer is no. loking at the number of people in washington and greene county, It would take us giving 8,000 doses every week between now and september to reach a level of herd immunity. so i think the short answer is no, we’re not on track. We have two important limitations. that are going to prevent us from speeding along. And they are this. 1. How many vaccines can we get? We’re not evven getting delviery of yet close to the 8,000 per week we would need, and frankly, if we want to be done by june we’d need to get more than the 8,000 per week. so we’re not getting that much vaccine delivered to us, i dont’ know that we ever will.

Secondearliy the restrction is people. all of our people are focused on taking care of inpaitnets who are being admitted due to CVODI and and toehr reasons, and outpatients, we don’t have peopel sitting around to set up vaccination clisincs so we’re doing the best we can, we’re getting yhrough it as qucily as possible and because of that, WHS have been working with MVH, Centerville Clinics, Cornerstone Care, Washington and Greene commissioonser and and other officials to help create a consiolidated washington and green county vaccination plan that we’re all going to work on together to help get this done as quickly as possible. This plan lays out which groups and which employers and other , are goig to get the vaccine in which order,  and how we’re going to accomplish it. I’m very apreciatie to the folks at all those entties working with us to help create this plan so we can ge this done as effiiently as possible. But it’s going to take some time it might take months before we get to you. And so my request to you is remain patient. Please know we’re going to get to you as quickly as possible. You can help yus by stop calling texting and emainiling asking wehn you can get a vacccine . It’s going to be a while. But it’s taking time for us to get back to you and that’s creating a burden on our please hold back be patient and we’ll get to you 

We need you to remain diligent. Even after you get the amsk, 

now and then, 

Two lmitations: how many vaccines can we get? wer’e not getttng that much vaccine sent to us.

People – we dont’ have peopel to do vaccination clinics. WHS have wben working with MVH, Conresrtone Care, others, to do washignton county consolidated plan, very appreicaitive to all the entities it’s going to take some time, it might take months vefore we get to you, so please rmeian patient. Stop calling, texting, emailing us, its causing buren, well get to you as quickly as we can.

We need you to remian delieigent, ieevne after you get the vaccine, follow guildieliens. WE also continue to do COVID testing at welneese way in Wash co.  Limited visitation.

Lastly, tahnk wWHS team members. COVID fatigue is real, each have persevered to make sure we provide great patietn care. Thank you for time and attendance.

we’ve been tasked with try tyring to vaccinate the communiteis of washington and greene counteis with Limited or no resources. 

Take leadership and coordination role in trying to get our entire communithvaccinated as quikly as possible so we can get back to a normal life. 

Step forward in a positive way in any way you can to help our community and our nation.

We are coming out of covid restiriction, 20.6 million americans affectwith 1.5 million infected in the last week alone. There are 128K peope hospitalized and a more than 5,500 people in Pa hospitalized. with 1,150 people in ICUS. we can’t again let our guard down. 

Covid inpatient numbers at WHS are actually down. thankfully. we’re at about half of where we were at our high back in november. But we’re an anomaly. we’re the exception. Talking to leaders at hospitals in the east, south and west of us, tehy’re all being overrun and are being tapped trememdously and i can’t xpalin why they’re seeing higher cases 20 or 30 miles away compared to here, but we’ll take the reprieve, we don’t want to see those numbers going upkeep your guard up, do everything you can to prevent the spread of the infection.


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