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Charlie Mike
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We’re certainly in early stages in mind,
My background is in manufactign, machining side, that’s wehre i’m from, open to seeing, familiar iwth other things like metal fabricating. as a veteran you can classify your busienss as serive diasbled veteran busienss, so my plan is to start a manufacturcing company, small , doing borkering, to get some revenue going for company, then put in mahcines, then hire veterans and train them and put them on the path to success, there is a good amount of money to be made , if i can partemrn with local training center that puts curriculum together, get them trained and get them going. Wehn i got back from deployment was fitting in with people, kid of offer a safe spot and offer place to do what you’re good at,
Carngier, it’s still up in the air, working in my home, getting some small PO, get building named as Charlie Mike, get street credibility, start looking at budgeting . don’t want to buy a couple CNC machines and thinking That’s kind of wher i am, see where opportunties are on governtment and cilvilelan side.
Born i pittsburgh, lived in south hills whol life, seton lasalle hs., joined PANG in high school, did basic trainging betwetn junior senior year, whent to Pitti Johsntont, edeployed to irqa 2005-06, 18 monhhts, then in 2009 deployed to afghanistan in 2009-10, was working at hmy old company got out of army in 2011, had a few months, did a little 10 years as combat engineer epxloisvs fimnthe.
It’s always been a big part of my life ever since deployemtns, we started seing guys come back, i volutnered for Vets transition orgaiontionz, to develop programs for guys coming back, and i saw a need fo r apipelnae at that point, after i got out of college, saw a lot of parts we make were used in helicopters, lot of soliders jobs are hands on, problem soliving . I started thinking it’s incredibly hard to hire someone right now, getting someone new in injdustry or new. less than
I know the veteran communit y has a lot ot offer talken tsiwe and acountability wise, recipe for seucfess.
So the wholse spiel is the army they teach you to communitcate useing ponetic alpahabet, you’ve probably used it on the phone, to make sure hyou have the correct nomenclatures, in militiayr to lessen confulsion, you use the phonetic alopahtet, we use Charlie Mike to continue mission, if looking for direction, or if it’s good to keep going, you say Charlie Mike, veterans relate to pretty quickly. Want to continue that mission oon the civilian side, what better place to get your manufigaring done from a company full of beternas.
That’s pretty much it, want to stress i’m in early stages, want to get ther e as fast as i can, slow crawln but have faith i’ll get there. tehre is an unfilled trade gap, especially in pgh, technology and manufacturing is up front, I’ve met some of the most intellignet peope in military who wouldn’t do well in 4-year environmrnet.
Tarketing within 18 months to two years to get my own facility. Need to get proficient to government bidding and have to get accommodated and immersed in that. Best of both